Friday, June 5, 2009

Hey there!Today i didn't go to school cause i have work to do and kind of tired.I hang the clothes,wash some dishes and then throw rubbish.After doing all the household chores,i on the laptop and play of childish isn't it?)Oh well ladies, you should try it because you can style different kind of hair.
Basically i want to talk about this girl.Her name is Enma Ai.Enma means Devil,and Ai is Love.People from the village always thought that she brings bad luck and the villagers decide to sacrifice her to the mountain god.She only have one friend that is her cousin,Sentarou.He really care about Ai because she is the only cousin he have.When she was sent to the mountain,Sentarou parents told Sentarou to visit Ai everyday so that she won't feel lonely.Sentarou Visited her for 7 years and for tha very particular night,villagers spotted Sentarou with Ai.Sentarou told Ai to run and she did but the villagers grab hold of her.Ai was sent to the mountain to bury her.She was buried alive with other innocent people by the cruel villagers.Sentarou can only cry and Ai tears change into blood.At that very night,Ai reborn and set the whole village on fire.Suddenly she was sent to meet the Hell master.There she become Jigoku Shoujo(Hell Girl). The medium through which a client contacts Ai Enma has changed over the centuries. Initially clients would write the names of whom they hated in a three-column newspaper advertisement. When the internet became available, people access a website known as the Hell Correspondence otherwise known as the "Hotline to Hell". Soon after, the site was adapted into a mobile version that could be accessed from cell phones. Each medium can only be used at midnight by one who harbors a desire for revenge against their object of hatred. Should someone submit the name of someone against whom they bear a grudge or immense hatred, Ai Enma will take them to a realm of perpetual twilight where she offers them a straw doll, one of her companions, with a red string wound around its neck and describe to the client the details of their contract; should the client pull the string tied around the doll's neck, she will ferry the target of the revenge straightaway to Hell. However, once the client's life has ended, he or she too will go to Hell; a black crest-shaped mark appears on the client's chest to serve as a permanent reminder of this and their decision to send someone to Hell.

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